Lisa Probert
BSc(Hons) ProfCertMedRet ProfCertGlauc DipClinOptom DipTp(IP) MCOptom
Specialist Independent Prescribing Optometrist & Director
Lisa grew up in Aberystwyth and graduated with a first class honours degree from Cardiff University. As well as working in community practice, she previously worked in Bristol Eye Hospital specialising in paediatric optometry, low vision and complex contact lens fitting, and Cardiff University’s Special Assessment Clinic examining children and those with special needs, as well as tutoring students.
She has been awarded a postgraduate diploma in clinical optometry, professional certificates in medical retina and glaucoma, and postgraduate qualifications in eye care for those with special needs. Along with Ceri, she was one of the first two Independent Prescribing Optometrists in the county and one of the first in Wales, meaning she can prescribe medication for a wide variety of eye conditions.
The highlight of her career so far is when she travelled to Uganda as part of a charity trip providing eye care services and training to the local residents.
Lisa has special interests in eye care for those with special needs, paediatrics and therapeutics. She is a fluent Welsh speaker.
About Me:
BSc(Hons) Optometry (First Class) - Cardiff University, 2010
Membership - College of Optometrists, 2011
Professional Certificate in Glaucoma - College of Optometrists, 2016
Professional Certificate in Medical Retina - College of Optometrists, 2016
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Optometry (Distinction) - Cardiff University, 2018
Diploma in Therapeutics (Independent Prescribing) - College of Optometrists, 2019
Special Interests:
Paediatric eye care
Eye care for those with special needs
Independent prescribing